If you are not in the packaging or shipping phase, we can modify your order. Please contact us with your new details to verify if it is possible.
Sometimes tracking information can be inaccurate, and packages are marked as delivered before they actually arrive. Your order will likely be delivered within a few days, but it's a good idea to check with your neighbors and/or the post office in the meantime! If you don't receive your order within a few days, please contact us, and we will promptly resolve the issue.
Yes, you're very close to receiving your order! Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking number that you can use to track your order by clicking here.
Once the order is shipped, unfortunately, it's not possible to modify the shipping address.
We are very sorry for the delay in your package! Even though the tracking does not indicate it, we can assure you that your package is still in transit to you. Please note that orders typically take 1-2 full business days to be delivered. Business days do not include weekends and holidays. We are doing our best to ship orders as quickly as possible.
Our products are typically shipped within 1-2 business days (business days do NOT include weekends or holidays)! Once your order is shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation via email with a tracking number.
We would be happy to change the shipping address for your order! Please send your new shipping address to our team by clicking HERE, as we can make changes to your order only if it has not yet entered the packaging and shipping process.
We accept all major credit/debit cards. Secure payments through the Stripe processor. All payments are securely processed with SSL encryption.
Yes, you will receive a payment confirmation via email.
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